NorCal Travels

Tales of Living in NorCal by The NorCal Traveler

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    Charisma on Command

    This is a compilation from Charisma on Command Youtube Channel.

    How to Be Funny without Offending/Pleasing People (Andrew Schultz)

    Youtube Link featuring Andrew Schultz Jokes in fun, but actions must show you're a nice genuine person.

    1. Joke with People You Obviously Like (ie: Friends)
      • If you follow with joke about someone else it's seen in good fun/no ill intent
      • Tease yourself first so friends know it's in fun
        • too much seems insecure
        • mixed in with jokes of others shows confidence
    2. Answer Questions with Absurd (Over the Top) Answers
      • Mix genuine answers with funny answers makes things more fun and not everything said taken at face value
    3. Mix Compliments While Teasing Others
      • Backhanded compliments
      • Nice without funny = Boring
      • Funny without being nice = Jerk
      • Compliments + Teasing = Fun
    4. Stereotype without Putting People Down
      • Charactertures/imitiations/impressions ok
      • Don't say anything negative or put down
    5. Tease Everyone, Don't Single Out a Group
      • Once you get someone to laugh at something they agree with, easier to get them to laugh at themselves

    How to be Charming without Trying (Emilia Clarke)

    Youtube Link featuring Emilia Clarke!

    1. Frequent and Genuine Smile
      • Genuine smile uses eyes, fake ones don't
      • Allow yourself to find humor in everything
      • Highlight others around you, don't hold smiles/laughs back
    2. Build People Up
      • Be supportive, laugh with them not at them
      • Can stil tease people, but sneak in a compliment
    3. Raises the Energy in the Room
      • Doesn't just stay normal and blend in
      • Enthusiasm is one notch higher than those she's speaking to
    4. Be an Active Listener
      • Repeat words, or use reaffirming responses
    5. Make Other People Feel Good by Modeling How to Feel Good Yourself

    Youtube Link featuring Chris Hemsworth.

    1. Be Funny/Joking/Playful
      • Do the opposite
      • Make jokes that elevate others (nice jokes), but don't look like a suckup
        • keep it short and move on
        • don't joke all the time, be genuine/serious too
      • Ok to share genuine/serious emotions (especially universal ones) without fearing judgement
        • Pride after working hard
        • Fear of not being good enough
        • Envy of success of others
    2. Touch
      • Touch everyone (to varying degrees) - conveys warmth, confidence, without singling anyone out (being creepy)
      • Adjust touch according to relationship
        • read their reactions (varies by culture)
        • don't hover touch - feels awkward
        • make it feel good, don't fear being touchy/feely
    3. Share Embarassing Things as if Not a Big Deal
      • Speaks without fear of judgement by others especially not being seen as "manly" enough
      • Shows comfortable in your own skin, transparent/not hiding anything from anyone
      • Gives you 2 options in life:
        • own what you do
        • don't do it
    4. Share Praise
      • Only compliment someone when you mean it - be genuine/not fake or suck up
      • People like humility
      • Builds trust in others and better relationships

    3 Habits to be Charismatic/Charming (Chris Pratt)

    Youtube Link featuring Chris Pratt.

    1. Self Amusement
      • Start by doing it/having fun alone (ie: dancing, videos)
      • Do it for you to make your life more fun
      • Do it during "get to know you phase"
    2. Reframe Ambiguous Situations in a Positive Light
      • Glass half full attitude in life even when could easily be seen as negative
    3. Complementary Jokes
      • Build people up than tear them down

    How To Turn Awkwardness Into Attraction (Aubrey Plaza)

    Youtube Link featuring Aubrey Plaza.

    1. Call Out When You're Being Awkward
      • Cuts the tension - get's points for gutsy
      • Lean into awkward situation - run with it
      • Call out social norms mistakes
    2. Don't Get Flustered or Uncomfortable When Things Get Awkward
      • Act like it was planned in a joking manner
    3. Answering with 1 Word Responses
      • Add an extra sentence
    4. Not Matching Expressions with Words
      • Was expecting more energetic response
      • Use deadpan sarcastic/over-the-top response to get out of situation
      • Laugh at yourself or explain yourself
    5. Getting Caught in Awkward Silence
      • Hard pivot to save the conversation
        • do something even more awkward than the situation itself
      • Mindset
        • not doing what people expect of her and not being self-conscious
        • don't be so serious
        • not putting on airs
        • comfortable with your own awkwardness

    Youtube Link featuring Keanu Reeves.

    1. Redirect Praise to Others
      • Can't take a compliment, thank them first then redirect
      • deflect with humor
    2. Exudes Zen-Like Presence
      • A loud word or two for emphasis makes things more interesting
    3. Enthusiastic Hand Gestures
      • NLP 101:
        • Audio: think it words; longer conversations; more sensitive to noises
        • Visual: tend to talk faster
        • Kinesthetic: talks slower, lots of gestures, words jumbled
      • Eye Direction When Thinking:

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    7 Habits of Successful People

    The Habits

    Habits are the intersection of:

    • Knowledge - What to do and why
    • Skill - How to do
    • Desire - Motivation, Want to do


    1. Be Proactive

    2. Begin with the End in Mind

    3. Put First Thing First

    Interdependence (working with others, not Dependent)

    1. Think Win-Win
    2. Seek First to Understand then be Understood
    3. Synergize


    1. Sharpen the Saw

    Character Ethic (Enduring Principles)

    • Fairness
      • The foundation of Justice
    • Honest and Integrity
      • What Trust is built upon
    • Service
      • Making a contribution/giving back
    • Quality
      • Striving for Excellence and Improvement

    Personality Ethic

    • Public Image
      • Human and PR Techniques
    • Attitudes and Behaviors
      • Positive and Mental Attitude (PMA)
    • Skills and Techniques

    4 Life Support Factors

    1. Security
      • sense of worth, your identity, your emotional anchorage, your self-esteem, your basic personal strength or lack of it
    2. Guidance
      • your source of direction in life
    3. Wisdom
      • your perspective on life, your sense of balance, your understanding of how the various parts and principles apply and relate to each other
    4. Power
      • faculty or capacity to act, the strength and potency to accomplish something

    Fulfillment in Life

    • Serve
    • Produce
    • Contribute in meaningful ways
    • learning/growing

    There are times to teach and not teach

    • When relationships are strained and emotional, teaching may be perceived as judgment and rejection

    • Teach when alone, quiet, and the relationship is good

    • Intimidation (fear) builds weakness. Depends on external factors to get things done. When fear replaces cooperation, both people become illogical and defensive.

    Things we blame

    • Genetics
    • Psychic - upbringing
    • Environment - people and situations that surround you

    Management vs Leadership

    • Producers and Problem Solvers (Employees) - cutting through jungle with manchettes
    • Managers - behind employees, writing policy/procedure, sharpening the knives, set up schedules, compensation programs for employees
    • Leader - climbs the tallest tree, surveys the situation, yells "Wrong Jungle!".
      • The busy, efficient, employees and managers respond "shut up, we're making progress!"

    Habit 1: Proactive

    Application Actions

    1. Listen to your language and others around you for reactive language
      • "If only"
      • "I can't"
      • "I have to"
    2. Find an Example and how you would respond proactively
      • behave reactively in the past
      • remind yourself of gap between stimulus and response
      • make a commitment to yourself that you have the freedom to choose your response
    3. Pick a problem at work/personal life
      • determine whether the problem ("control") is:
        • Direct - your behavior
        • Indirect - other people's behavior
        • No control - we can do nothing about
      • ID the first step in control of influence then take that step
    4. 30 Day Test
      • be proactive for 30 days
        • how we handle situations
          • how we view the problem
          • where we focus our energy
          • language we use/put out there
        • make small commitments and keep them
        • be a light not a judge
        • be a model not a critic
        • be part of the solution not the problem
        • don't argue for other people's weaknesses or your own
        • when you make a mistake: admit it, correct it, learn from it immediately
          • don't blame or accuse
        • work on yourself, things you can control
        • look at weaknesses of others with compassion, not accusation
          • issue isn't what they are doing/not doing
          • issue is your response to the situation and what you should be doing
          • if you think the problem is "out there", that thought is the problem
        • we are Responsible for our own effectiveness, happiness, our own circumstances
          • don't act out the scripts written by parents, associates, and society
      • note the change in your circle of influence

    Habit 2: End in Mind

    • Imagine being on deathbed, how do you want to be remembered? Work backwards
    • Develop a mission statement
      • personal mission statement based on values
      • organizational mission statements must involve everyone to develop

    Mental (1st) Creation

    • Imagination:
      • Envision - create in our minds what can't see presently
      • See Potential
      • Conscience - ID our own personal endowments

    4 Human Endowments

    1. Self-Awareness
    2. Imagination
    3. Conscience
    4. Independent Will - Act not acted upon

    Habit 3: First thing First

    Physical (2nd) Creation

    • Fulfillment, actualization, natural emergence of Habits 1 & 2
    • Practicing Self Management: Day-in, day-out; moment-by-moment doing it
      • Manage from Left Brain (Logic)
      • Lead from Right Brain (Art)

    Self Management

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