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7 Habits of Successful People
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The Habits
Habits are the intersection of:
- Knowledge - What to do and why
- Skill - How to do
- Desire - Motivation, Want to do
Be Proactive
Begin with the End in Mind
Put First Thing First
Interdependence (working with others, not Dependent)
- Think Win-Win
- Seek First to Understand then be Understood
- Synergize
- Sharpen the Saw
Character Ethic (Enduring Principles)
- Fairness
- The foundation of Justice
- Honest and Integrity
- What Trust is built upon
- Service
- Making a contribution/giving back
- Quality
- Striving for Excellence and Improvement
Personality Ethic
- Public Image
- Human and PR Techniques
- Attitudes and Behaviors
- Positive and Mental Attitude (PMA)
- Skills and Techniques
4 Life Support Factors
- Security
- sense of worth, your identity, your emotional anchorage, your self-esteem, your basic personal strength or lack of it
- Guidance
- your source of direction in life
- Wisdom
- your perspective on life, your sense of balance, your understanding of how the various parts and principles apply and relate to each other
- Power
- faculty or capacity to act, the strength and potency to accomplish something
Fulfillment in Life
- Serve
- Produce
- Contribute in meaningful ways
- learning/growing
There are times to teach and not teach
When relationships are strained and emotional, teaching may be perceived as judgment and rejection
Teach when alone, quiet, and the relationship is good
Intimidation (fear) builds weakness. Depends on external factors to get things done. When fear replaces cooperation, both people become illogical and defensive.
Things we blame
- Genetics
- Psychic - upbringing
- Environment - people and situations that surround you
Management vs Leadership
- Producers and Problem Solvers (Employees) - cutting through jungle with manchettes
- Managers - behind employees, writing policy/procedure, sharpening the knives, set up schedules, compensation programs for employees
- Leader - climbs the tallest tree, surveys the situation, yells "Wrong Jungle!".
- The busy, efficient, employees and managers respond "shut up, we're making progress!"
Habit 1: Proactive
Application Actions
- Listen to your language and others around you for reactive language
- "If only"
- "I can't"
- "I have to"
- Find an Example and how you would respond proactively
- behave reactively in the past
- remind yourself of gap between stimulus and response
- make a commitment to yourself that you have the freedom to choose your response
- Pick a problem at work/personal life
- determine whether the problem ("control") is:
- Direct - your behavior
- Indirect - other people's behavior
- No control - we can do nothing about
- ID the first step in control of influence then take that step
- determine whether the problem ("control") is:
- 30 Day Test
- be proactive for 30 days
- how we handle situations
- how we view the problem
- where we focus our energy
- language we use/put out there
- make small commitments and keep them
- be a light not a judge
- be a model not a critic
- be part of the solution not the problem
- don't argue for other people's weaknesses or your own
- when you make a mistake: admit it, correct it, learn from it immediately
- don't blame or accuse
- work on yourself, things you can control
- look at weaknesses of others with compassion, not accusation
- issue isn't what they are doing/not doing
- issue is your response to the situation and what you should be doing
- if you think the problem is "out there", that thought is the problem
- we are Responsible for our own effectiveness, happiness, our own circumstances
- don't act out the scripts written by parents, associates, and society
- how we handle situations
- note the change in your circle of influence
- be proactive for 30 days
Habit 2: End in Mind
- Imagine being on deathbed, how do you want to be remembered? Work backwards
- Develop a mission statement
- personal mission statement based on values
- organizational mission statements must involve everyone to develop
Mental (1st) Creation
- Imagination:
- Envision - create in our minds what can't see presently
- See Potential
- Conscience - ID our own personal endowments
4 Human Endowments
- Self-Awareness
- Imagination
- Conscience
- Independent Will - Act not acted upon
Habit 3: First thing First
Physical (2nd) Creation
- Fulfillment, actualization, natural emergence of Habits 1 & 2
- Practicing Self Management: Day-in, day-out; moment-by-moment doing it
- Manage from Left Brain (Logic)
- Lead from Right Brain (Art)
Self Management
Urgent | Not Urgent | |
Important | Necessity | Effectiveness |
Not Important | Distraction | Waste |
- Crises
- Emergency Meetings
- Last-Minute Deadlines
- Pressing Problems
- Unforeseen Events
- Proactive Work
- Important Goals
- Creative Thinking
- Planning and Prevention
- Relationship Building
- Learning and Renewal
- Recreation
- Needless Interruption
- Unnecessary Reports
- Irrelevant Meetings
- Other People's Minor Issues
- Unimportant Email, Tasks
- Phone Calls, Status Posts, etc.
- Trivial Work
- Avoidance Activities
- Excessive Relaxation
- Television, Gaming
- Internet Browsing
- Time-Wasters
- Gossip
Being Effective
Effectiveness focus is a paradigm that grows out of a principle center
- if centered on spouse, money, friends, pleasure, extrinsic or self then will thrown into Necessities and Distractions. Will react to outside forces or impulses
- be principle centered/personal mission/bigger picture (character ethics). Need self-discipline and motivation to avoid distractions and time wasters
Weekly Planning
- ID your roles for the week (ie: worker, personal/individual, parent, spouse)
- Select goals for the week
- Scheduling - make time during the week to work towards achieving goals for the week
- Daily Adapting - Things happen and need to review schedule every day to still achieve goals
- Gofer (Micromanage)
- "Go/do for this, go/do for that. Tell me when it's done"
- Too focused on methods and feel responsible for results
- the person receiving the task may not feel responsible
- Most employees/producers still think like that once promoted
- Stewardship Delegation
- Focused on results instead of methods
- Clear, up-front, mutual understanding, and commitment in expectations in 5 areas
- Desired Results
- Guidelines
- few as possible, but include any restrictions
- if don't give enough info and they violate rule unbeknownst, kills initiative and instills "just tell me what to do, and I'll do it"
- be honest and open
- if you know failure paths, let them know upfront
- tell them what not to do, not how they should do it
- ok to give recommendation on how I'd do it
- if you know failure paths, let them know upfront
- few as possible, but include any restrictions
- Resources
- ID human, financial, technical, or organizational resources they may want to use
- Accountability
- set up performance standards for evaluating results (what's it for? why do this?) and due dates
- Consequences
- Good and bad as a result of the evaluation
- rewards, new job assignments, natural consequences
- Good and bad as a result of the evaluation
- Gives people a choice of methods and responsible for results
- Takes more initial time investment, but can increase your time leverage via effective Stewardship Delegation
- Stewardship = job with trust
- I trust you to do the job, to get it done. You're the boss of yourself now.
- boss becomes the helper. may only have limited time, but employee tells boss how they can help
- employee becomes the judge:
- regular check-ins with the boss. Employee tells boss how it's coming along
- Trust is highest form of human motivation
- takes time + patience + training/development (increase competency)
- objective: empower the employee
- More work gets done in less time in the future
- Must want to manage, not just produce
- Focus on effectiveness not efficiency
- With immature employees - fewer results, more guidelines/resources/check-ins/immediate consequences
- With mature employees - more challenging results, less guidelines/check-ins
- Effective delegation is best indicator of effective management: basis of personal/organizational growth
Paradigms of Interdependence
- Must master self independence/discipline first
- you can't talk your way out of problems you behave yourself into
- most important part we put into any relationship is not our actions/words, but what we are
- if words/actions come from superficial HR techniques (personality ethic) others will sense deception
- can't be trusted
- golden eggs = effectiveness: the results from open communication, positive interaction w/others
- goose = relationships: must create and maintain
Emotional Bank Account
- the amount of trust that's been built in a relationship
- feeling of safeness with someone
- Make deposit into EBA through kindness, courtesy, honesty, and keeping commitments to someone
- trust towards them increases
- can use that trust if make mistakes in future, reserves compensate
- must keep making deposits to maintain relationship
- when trust in EBA is high, communication is easy, instant, and effective
- Reduce trust in EBA:
- showing discourtesy, disrespect
- cutting them off
- overreacting
- ignoring
- becoming arbitrary
- betraying trust
- threatening
- playing god in your life
- Once trust in EBA low, have to be careful with every word/interaction/PYA
- you may get tuned out
- When relationship deteriorates:
- accommodation, 2 ppl live independent lifestyles and tolerate the other
- hostility, defensiveness, verbal fights, emotional withdrawal, self-pity, cold war, legal battles
- Most constant relationships (ie: marriage) require most constant deposits
- with continuous expectations, old deposits are lost
- sometimes automatic EBA withdraws in daily interactions (ie: nagging)
6 Major Deposits
- Understanding the Individual
- What might be a deposit for you might not be for someone else. May be a withdrawal
- To make a deposit: What is important to them must be as important to you as the other person is to you
- what you may find unimportant may be very important to another person (ie: child)
- stop projecting our autobiographies: interpret what a deposit is based on our needs/desires now or at a similar age/stage in life
- understand others a you would like to be understood and do that
- Attending to the Little Things
- small discourtesies/unkindness/disrespect = large withdrawals
- little things are the big things in relationships people remember most
- Keeping Commitments
- keeping a promise = major deposit
- breaking one = MAJOR (biggest) withdrawal
- don't make a promise you can't keep
- make them very carefully/sparingly
- be aware of variables/contingencies that may stop from fulfilling
- be true to your word
- Clarifying Expectations
- unclear expectations in goals undermine communication and trust
- leads to misunderstandings and large withdrawals
- many times implicit (ie: marriage) and are based on assumed roles
- get all expectations in a new situation. will be judged on those later
- clarifying expectations takes a lot of courage and problems should be brought to the table and worked out
- unclear expectations in goals undermine communication and trust
- Show Personal Integrity
- generates trust and is the basis of deposits
- lack of integrity undermine all other efforts to create trust
- be honest, keep promises, and fulfill expectations
- be loyal to those not present.
- if you agree with gossip/criticism, suggest approaching non-present person together
- builds trust even if honest confrontation not initially appreciated
- you care enough to confront
- may seem like a deposit, but a withdrawal. shows you can't be trusted
- if you agree with gossip/criticism, suggest approaching non-present person together
- be loyal to those not present.
- to be trusted > being loved
- be patient with everyone - people will test your patience, so don't overreact
- avoid deceptive communication, guile, lack dignity
- apologize sincerely when we make a withdrawal (becomes a deposit):
- I was wrong
- That was unkind of me
- I showed you no respect
- I embarrassed you in front of everyone, it was uncalled for.
- repeated apologies are insincere = withdrawal
- mistakes of mind or heart (bad intentions/motives/cover ups/justifications)
- people will forgive mistakes in lapse of judgement (mind) not theI heart
- Laws of Love and Life
- unconditional love deposits -> let's others be themselves
- not permissive/soft/pushover (withdrawal)
- counsel, plead, set limits/boundaries
- if attach strings then others become reactive/defensive
- rebellion from heart not mind
- make constant deposits of unconditional love
- "It's more noble to give yourself completely to 1 individual than to labor diligently for the salvation of the masses"
- most important to have strong relationships with those closest to you
- unconditional love deposits -> let's others be themselves
P Problems = PC Opportunities
- confrontation/talk it out = deposit in EBA
- opportunity to grow the relationship like Danny Tanner
Habit 4: Think Win/Win
Principles of Interpersonal Leadership
- whenever go from independence to interdependence, step into a leadership role
- effective interpersonal leadership = think win/win
6 Paradigms of Human Interaction
- Win/Win
- cooperation not competition
- compromise is a low form of win-win
- Win/Lose (competition)
- Most of Life teaches us Win/Lose (competition):
- education - competition for grades, cooperation is cheating
- sports - win/lose
- law - suing in court
- No need to compete with spouse, children, coworkers, neighbors, friends
- Most of Life teaches us Win/Lose (competition):
- Lose/Win (pushover)
- worse than Win/Lose
- no standards, expectations, vision
- eager/quick to please, want acceptance
- being a nice guy and giving up
- buried feelings - never go away
- causes illness: respiratory, circular
- bad feelings: resentment, disappointment, disillusionment, rage/anger, cynicism
- affects self-esteem and relationship with others
- many people go between Win/Lose and Lose/Win - lack structure, direction, expectation, discipline
- worse than Win/Lose
- Lose/Lose
- Two Win/Lose people (stubborn, egotistical) always a lose-lose
- want to get revenge
- philosophy of enemies, war, and misery loves company
- Two Win/Lose people (stubborn, egotistical) always a lose-lose
- Win
- as long as you get what you want
- Win/Win
- No Deal (agree to disagree)
- Which is best depends on the situation. Most of the time you want cooperation in relationships (win-win)
- Negotiation - Win-Win or No Deal
- try again later so no resentment
- works best in beginning of relationship, not always realistic No Deal
5 Dimensions of Win-Win
- Character
- Integrity - Habits 1-3 develop/maintain
- Maturity - balance of Courage and Consideration
- "ability to express one's own feelings and convictions balanced with consideration for the thoughts and feelings of others"
- Win/Win: Be nice, courageous, empathic, confident, considerate, sensitive, brave
Low Courage | High Courage | |
High Consideration | Lose/Win | Win/Win |
Low Consideration | Lose/Lose | Win/Lose |
- Abundance Mentality - "There's plenty to go around"
- people with scarcity mentality
- don't like differences (insubordination/disloyalty), prefer yes-men
- difficult to function as a team
- deep sense of personal worth and security
- share: prestige, recognition, profits, decision making
- appreciates uniqueness, inner direction, proactiveness of others
- public victory: working, communicating, making things happen together unable to do by themselves
- people with scarcity mentality
- Relationships
- Agreements
- Support Systems
- Processes
- Trust (EBA) - basis of Win/Win
- without trust the best result is compromise
- lack credibility for open, mutual learning/communication, real creativity
- if EBA trust is high, credibility is not an issue and respect is mutual
- can focus on the issues/each other's point of view, not on personalities
- Dealing with a Win/Lose person
- relationship is key (focus on circle influence) make EBA deposits by:
- courteous, respect, appreciation for that person and their point of view
- longer communication, more listening, more expressions of courage
- not reactive, be proactive
- stay strong, keep hammering it out until they realize you genuinely want a win/win
- alternative is no deal or compromise
- relationship is key (focus on circle influence) make EBA deposits by:
- Bad character traits:
- reactive stance: say you support their decision, but don't really behind their back, and then say "oh it didn't work out"
- overactive stance: try to sabotage the outcome of their decision that you disagree with
- maliciously obedient: follow exactly as told, but take no responsibility for results
- Desired results - ID what needs to be done and when
- Guidelines - specify parameters/principles/policies
- Resources - ID human, financial, technical support available to help get results
- Accountability - sets standards for performance/evaluation
- Consequences - good/bad, natural/logical as a result of evaluation
- Separate person from problem
- focus on interests not positions
- create options for mutual gain
- insist on objective criteria
- 4 Steps to Win/Win:
- See problem from other point of view
- give expressions to needs/concerns better than they can
- ID the key issues involved
- Determine what results = fully acceptable solution
- ID new options to achieve those results
- See problem from other point of view
- Character of integrity, maturity, and abundance mentality [from high trust relationships]
Habit 5: Seek to Understand, Then to be Understood (go last)
4 forms of communication
- Reading
- Writing
- Speaking
- Listening
- We learn 1-3 in school/life, but need to listen more
- must have good core conduct/character - others can sense duplicity and will distrust you by default
Empathic Listening
- Most people listen with intent to reply instead of understanding
- 5 Listening Forms: Ignore, Pretend, Selective, Attentive (words only), Empathic (Feeling)
- be a shrink
- non-verbal: listen with ears, eyes, and heart
- listen for feeling, behavior, and meaning
- rephrase content (logic) & describe/reflect how they feel (feeling)
- indulge them, don't judge/react
- use when responses are emotional
- if responses are logical then can ask questions/give advice
- info gathering
Example Conversation
Son: "Boy, Dad, I've had it! School is for the birds!"
Dad: "You're feeling really frustrated about school"
Son: "I sure am. It's totally impractical. I'm not getting a thing out of it."
Dad: "You feel like school's not doing you any good."
Son: "Well, yeah. I'm just not learning anything that's going to help me. I mean, look at Joe. He's dropped out of school and he's working on cars. He's making money. Now that's practical."
Dad: "You feel that Joe really has the right idea"
Son: "Well, I guess he does in a way. He's really making money now. But in a few years, I bet he'll probably be ticked off at himself."
Dad: "You think Joe's going to feel he made the wrong decision."
Son: "He's got to. Just look at what he's giving up. I mean, if you don't have an education, you can't make it in this world"
Dad: "Education is really important"
Son: "Oh, yeah! I mean, if you don't have a diploma, if you can't get jobs or go to college, what are you going to do? You've got to have an education."
Dad: "It's important to your future"
Son: "It is. And you know what? I'm really worried. Listen, you won't tell mom, will you?"
Dad: "You don't want your mother to find out"
Son: "Well, not really. You can tell her, she'll probably find out anyway"
4 Autobiographical Responses (Talk about Ourselves NOT GOOD)
- Evaluate - Agree/Disagree
- Probe - Ask objective questions
- Advise - Give objective advice
- Interpret - Explain their motives
Then Seek to be Understood
- Ethos: personal credibility, how people perceive your integrity and competency. Your trust level (EBA)
- Pathos: emotional alignment, empathic/feeling with others
- Logos: logic and reasoning
Habit 6: Synergize
- Putting it all together, a little each day
- Sum is greater than it's parts, but individual is most important
Communicate Synergistically
- open to new possibilities/alternatives - fulfilling Habit 2
- Requires personal security, openness, and sense of adventure
- not sure what will happen, but it will be better than before
- everyone can be genuine/authentic/inspired and express themselves freely because of trust and courage
Level of Communication
- Synergistic (Win/Win): High Trust, High Cooperation
- Respectful (Compromise): Some Trust, Some Cooperation
- Defensive (Win/Lose or Lose/Win): Low Trust, Low Cooperation
Negative Synergy
- Insecure people think others need to bend to their views
- don't realize strength in relationship is having another point of view
- essence of synergy = value differences
Value Differences
- Everyone sees the world differently not as it actually is
- ex: old/young lady abstract picture
- both people can be right doesn't have to be either/or
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw
- Take time to focus on renewing yourself: Physically, Spiritually, Mentally, Socially/Emotionally
- Best/Most Powerful investment is in yourself (Quad II/effective use of time)
- For Organizations: Economic (Phys), Treatment of People (Social), Training/Development (Mental), Service of job (Spirit)